Sunday, December 28, 2008

Doing assignment again...... Episode 3

this nite there are only 6 of us, juju, deden, syasya, mala, zazri and lilim...
zazri and lilim jual mahal ni tme ani nda mau bgmbar.. mahal kah gmbar dorang a2 hmm... ahaha

zazri and lilim doing their asgmnt.....
tipu gnya ni posing2.. padahal nda bwt asgmnt haha nda wh rajin x ah dorang ani..
ea kah? haha
juju and mala...
bukan nya bwt asgmnt.. gosip2 tia plg dorang a2... paper datas meja a2 tipu gnya 2..
siapa mala lelaki a2 air tuuut.... pksa d sensod sorry haha..
syasya and deden posing..
haha no comment....

time ani cmala lapar vry bravisss haha
this 2 gurls nda mau2 kan gmbar... HEllow.. lokess haha

makan nasi katok kaka, mkn ais cream.. bnyak lah... nyaman...........
tht 2 boys posing with the maid ehehee.. rajin x ah tht time cjuju plg sja 2..
edy singgah skjap... mlawat kami sja time ane and to infom ths 30th dec pigih k
pulau pelumpong..
(mliat man.u men jua skajap)

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